Actors and Thought Work

Actors.  We are, by nature, flexible creatures...

Actors and Relationships

Stop Waiting for Everyone Else to Change.

Truly, everything you need to know about Relationships could be summed up in that sentence!

You can choose to change.

You can change your thoughts about the Relationship.

You cannot expect Anyone Else to Change!

Really.  How many times has that worked for you?  If, in fact, your partner, mother, brother in law, scene partner changed because you wanted them to.... did it last? 

If so, it worked because they wanted to change.  They got something out of it that made it worth it for them.

But most of the time, the change isn't real.  

You spend so much energy around this.  When you could be working on yourself!

Some of the time, the build up of tension we create while waiting for someone to disappoint us.... Again.... is exponential.

Try this.

Pick the person in your life that you 'want to change'.  You may tell yourself it is for their own good.  But really, you want them to change so you can have a...

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