You can start anywhere...

Our primitive brains have gotten us here.  Evolution has worked for our survival.  Along the way, many of us have thrived. We have conserved energy, sought pleasure, and avoided pain. Survival!

Coaching uses our intentional brain, our prefrontal cortex.  This work can take us to new heights, the way physical training can magnify the gifts of a dancer, or an athlete. 

Or, obviously, an actor.

If there is something in your life that's not working.  

Something that is holding you back.

If you want more from your relationships.

If you wake up lost.

If your best moments are on stage.

And you feel that.

Or want more.

You are endless possibilities.

Open up to your thoughts and magnify your life.

One thought at a time...

You've got this.


Align your work as an actor with your life!

The tools below are a starting place for thought work. Pick one - it matters not which.  Just start.

How much is your mental well being worth?

The gift you are giving yourself in exploring your mind will expand far beyond you!

Thought Downloads...


Get some paper. Actual paper.

Get a pen you like.

Fill up a page with your thoughts..

Don't overcomplicate this.

Empty your brain and fill that page.

You can pick a topic, a problem in your life.

Or simply anything that is in your head right now.

This would be the mental version of putting your gym clothes on.

Rolling out your yoga mat.

Opening your exercise app.

You won't know what is going on until you get it out of your head and on the page.

This is the baseline you will return to again. And again.

Because it works.



'The time of Life is short; 'To spend that shortness basely were too long.'

You Have Enough


Your mind seeks pleasure. Make sure you choose what you really want

More (Not too much)

Decisions and Values

Get comfortable with discomfort.

Maybe (btw, not a decision)


It takes One to change a relationship!

Note to self: You can't make anyone else change. Let's stop trying...
