Actors and Thought Work

Actors.  We are, by nature, flexible creatures...

The Abundant Actor Life

emotional abundance Feb 26, 2022

Life doesn't just happen to you.

This is a story we tell ourselves.  The events of our lives.  This happened, so I can't do this other thing.  

I don't have this job because someone they knew got the offer.  I don't love my work because the director is difficult.  I can't get to work on time because the subway is late, the highway is congested.

My self tape is not getting results because I am not good at tech.

Time to take responsibility for your life.  It feels great. And scary. And great.

A place to start is with Abundance.

This includes, naturally, how much money you have. Not spend. Have.

But is not only, or even most importantly, about that. The only thing you need to be super clear on is how much you have. And how much you want. The space between those numbers is where you need to create value to invite money, abundantly, into your life

Know your number.  Truly. Add it up. Total your assets, subtract your debts, and look at that number.


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