Actors and Thought Work

Actors.  We are, by nature, flexible creatures...

When We Don't Like the Notes

rehearsals taking notes Feb 10, 2022

Taking notes.

Receiving direction with... grace. 

Many, many, many times we actors are on the receiving end of notes.  We work for small productions, with one director, one stage manager, and accordingly get messages from 2 humans.  Affecting our work, the staging, safety, tone, style, blocking, and, of course, the scene work objectives.

Or we work in gigantic enterprises with multiple layers of authority, directors, movement,  SMs everywhere. There can be notes coming from 5 or more humans, often conflicting with each other. 

Anyone giving us notes has an agenda that we are not fully privy to....

We have an agenda also.  To be excellent. To keep this job. To show someone something. To impress someone. To be the character fully. To appear supportive. 

To actually Be supportive.

There is no judgement here - we truly cannot control the thoughts that surge into our mind as we receive notes.

We can resist them. 

That is not what the scene is...

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