Actors. We are, by nature, flexible creatures...
This is not really about acting.
Maybe a bit about coaching.
I opened the nondescript box containing my best friend’s ashes today.
He had been in my guest room, on a bookshelf for months, as my family awaited permission to have a memorial in the place he chose.
I would at times turn toward this box and talk to my friend, feeling him truly in the room.
I had not been avoiding it.
Just deciding I didn’t have to do it yet.
He wanted his ashes scattered by my family at places we knew he wanted to be.
And this.
It turns out.
This meant I had to divide him up.
As an actor, as a friend, as a mother, as a daughter, as a human, I have lost loved ones.
Most of us have.
I have attended wakes, touched the skin of the dead, cried over open caskets (very big in the South) and grew up not being afraid of the human body.
My friend came out an an age when it was not easy.
Is it ever?
I know. It still...
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