Actors and Thought Work

Actors.  We are, by nature, flexible creatures...

Actors and Our Environment

We have several ways to view our Environment.

Primary is your mindset.  The environment, or space, you provide for your thoughts.

If you think about your mind as a clean space for a moment, imagine how focused you could be.  Your mental environment is elemental if you want to expand as an actor, as a human, as a global citizen.

This environment also includes your consumption. Of social media. Podcasts. Books. Shows you see. Plays and scripts you read. How you get your news.

Next are the people in your close circle.

We don't always get to choose.

There is our family. There is the population of our work.

Where we do have sway is where we establish our support group. Our chosen family. Our close friends. Our agents and managers.

And finally there is your physical space.

This includes your home. Your work space, which can be an office in your apartment or house, or your laptop in a comfortable chair.

When you are working, this absolutely includes your dressing room...

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